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December 10, 2014 a picture a week

white shutter photo of the week white shutter photo of the week white shutter photo of the week white shutter photo of the week white shutter photo of the week white shutter photo of the week

“a portrait of our children, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

chloe: in nature is where she is most happy.

caleb: following in momma’s footsteps.

cashin: dirt, a stick, and a fire, heaven for a 6 year old boy. 

brig: this was his rock, where he hung out and worked on his dreads.

freya: no running water means no bath, no shower, and no worries.

carson: always looking out for the little ones, he has a caring and nurturing soul.

for almost every vacation, we let one of the kids bring with a friend.  carson has been on more family vacations than any other friend, and we consider him one of our own when he’s on vacation with us, so he’ll be an addition to several journal posts.

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