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all original content photographs in this site are ©whiteshutter

and the winner is…

November 11, 2009 Uncategorized

congratulations to laura fitzgerald who won this month’s SOMETHING SPOOKY shoot with white shutter photography contest.   i asked laura to share a few words about her photo, “This photo was taken in the Weller’s Cemetery on North Altamont Avenue in Thurmont, MD. It is about a block from my house, and periodically, I take the kids for a walk after dark because it is fun for them to be out and about in the nighttime and it’s a good excuse for me to practice some long exposures with minimal light without having to hire a babysitter. The night this was taken, I was trying different things with having the kids move through the shot during the long exposure, i.e. whether they should walk slowly or run through the camera’s line of sight and how each would show on the final photo. They are, however, kids, and were not the most cooperative with instruction and insisted on walking like zombies, arguing over whos turn it was run through and being generally foul about the whole endeavor. This particular photo was one of the random shots that I took of the gravesites that are right off the roadway while trying to establish the technical stuffs. It’s funny…for this photo coming off as SPOOKY, the graveyard is really not spooky at all!”

for winning this month’s contest, laura gets a starbuck’s gift card and gets to pick our next theme.  laura blogs her photos at photo of the day, be sure to check it out and thanks again to everyone who sent in a photo.  be watching for our next theme.

and if you are a photographer at any skill level, join our facebook group.  here is laura’s winning image…october-0007

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