and the winner is…
congratulations to liz foley who won this month’s shoot with white shutter photography contest. for winning this month’s contest, liz wins a $10 starbuck’s gift card from white shutter photography. liz is owner of liz foley photography. about her photo, liz says “This was taken at a nearby farm, a client’s little boy who loves everything Farm: trucks, tractors, loaders, etc. We saw this treasure hidden in a shed and I just had to shoot the bright orange truck! Natural light, F5.3, 1/15, 400 ISO. Did some post processing on PS to give it that Technicolor effect.”
i will send a message out to everyone as soon as i receive next month’s theme from liz. and remember, if you are a photographer at any skill level, come and join our facebook group, it is a lot of fun. here’s liz’s winning image…