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things we love…ant-ih-q’s

July 13, 2011 life

ok, so more than loving just antiques (and i always have to pronounce it ant-ih-q’s even though after the thousandth time it probably gets annoying to philan), we really love shopping together.  if that means a trip to woodman’s, or nordstrom’s or anthropology, we just enjoy being around each other.  this week we’re in columbus, ohio and have spent a lot of time looking at really old stuff.  but there’s always a treasure among the junk.  besides some other stuff for the house, we got an imperial six-twenty 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 film camera (i just really liked the look of it, it’s such a cute little camera), and we picked up a 1917 corona folding type writer (in perfect working order).  so enjoy the pictures of our treasures, while we enjoy two more days of antiquing in ohio.

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