things we love… organization
starting right now we are going to try and blog about things we love every thursday. this of course goes along with the whole new year thing… going to blog more, going to exercise more, going to work less, going to be more organized… organized – that’s it. i love organization! like on a god day when the closet is just the way i like it, all the shirts facing the same direction, organized from blazers to sweaters to long sleeve with collars to long sleeves to three quarter sleeves to short sleeves with collars to short sleeves to tank tops and of course this whole progression is color coordinated. no i’m not a little OCD or anything?!? and of course now i have to run upstairs and organize my closet in order to take a picture to show you just how so i am. and luckily aaron happens to be the same way when it comes to the closet!
so with this new year we are organizing everything and getting rid of all the unnecessary. just the other day aaron went downstairs and built a wall – before lunch mind you. then, that evening, he built shelves of the other side of the wall. it’s now all nice and neat and lined with rubbermaid boxes. that’s what is also so great about organization – all the cutesy things i get to buy to make it just so. if only there was the container store here in rockford. but more than buying things this year, i want to get rid of them. it just makes life so much calmer and easier to breathe when it’s less cluttered.
happy organizing!