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all original content photographs in this site are ©whiteshutter
White Shutter Photography

things we love…ant-ih-q’s

ok, so more than loving just antiques (and i always have to pronounce it ant-ih-q’s …

things we love…ant-ih-q’s
July 13, 2011 life

marisa & steven…

the timing of blooming apple trees can be tricky, so i’m told.  i met up …

marisa & steven…
June 23, 2011 engagement

trisha & glenn…

when i first met trisha & glenn, i fell in love with both of them. …

trisha & glenn…
June 22, 2011 wedding

things we love… late night starbucks

i’m posting this late or early depending how you look at it.  call me crazy …

things we love… late night starbucks
June 7, 2011 life

kari & brett… part ii

so we already introduced kari & brett’s wedding details to you, now it’s time to …

kari & brett… part ii
May 29, 2011 wedding

things we love… coffee

and everything that goes along with it.  we don’t drink it every day, but a …

things we love… coffee
April 14, 2011 life

things we love… cheesecake

ok, maybe not only cheesecake, but cake.  simply put, we love cake.  there’s nothing more …

things we love… cheesecake
April 7, 2011 life

one day without shoes

yesterday afternoon, we joined thousands of participants worldwide in the 2011 one day without shoes. …

one day without shoes
April 6, 2011 life

aubrey & jonathan

we first bumped into aubrey & jonathan last winter during aubrey’s family session in the …

aubrey & jonathan
March 30, 2011 engagement

things we love… socks day

so today is socks day, which means i get to go through all of the …

things we love… socks day
March 24, 2011 life