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all original content photographs in this site are ©whiteshutter
White Shutter Photography

anna & ryan

we love anna and ryan.  and we don’t throw that word out there lightly.  they …

anna & ryan
September 2, 2010 wedding

brittany & michael

watching brittany being escorted by her grandfather in full military dress uniform was extremely moving. …

brittany & michael
August 22, 2010 wedding


just a sneak peak for his grandma… we shot 3 day old brennan this morning …

July 30, 2010 life

simply, a salad

we thought we would switch gears in the midst of wedding season and give you …

simply, a salad
July 23, 2010 life


i have know kyle since he was just a little guy, so when his mom …

July 9, 2010 portraits

jamie & andrew

jamie was absolutely stunning.  andrew was no slouch himself.  put them next to each other, …

jamie & andrew
June 30, 2010 wedding

kay & brian

brian is a marine (once a marine, always a marine… hoo-ahh) and works in public …

kay & brian
June 15, 2010 wedding

krista & michael

krista and michael were already a part of the white shutter extended family before they …

krista & michael
June 7, 2010 engagement

katherine & andrew

vintage.  elegant.  unique. last year, katherine and andrew were joined together in a handfasting ceremony. …

katherine & andrew
May 31, 2010 wedding

katherine and andrew…a glimpse

the wedding season has officially begun and what an amazing start we had.  on saturday, …

katherine and andrew…a glimpse
May 17, 2010 wedding